
Could Your Gut Health Be the Cause of Poor Immunity?

Could Your Gut Health Be the Cause of Poor Immunity?

Our gut microbiome, the collection of microorganisms that live in our digestive tract, plays a crucial role in regulating our immune response. In this article, we will dive deeper and explore the fascinating relationship between gut health and immunity and provide practical tips on how to improve your gut health to support a robust immune system.
Should You Pay Attention to Your Blood Glucose Level?

Should You Pay Attention to Your Blood Glucose Level?

When was the last time you thought about your blood glucose level? Unless you have diabetes or your doctor said you're pre-diabetic, probably never. Right? There are several reasons why you should pay attention to your blood glucose level to ensure you are in a normal range.
Is Ox Bile the Missing Link in Digestive Enzyme Formulas?

Is Ox Bile the Missing Link in Digestive Enzyme Formulas?

For years, digestive enzymes have been a common solution to the problem, but now, an additional ingredient is being added to digestive enzyme formulas and making a world of difference. What ingredient are we referring to? Ox bile.
There are several benefits of using digestive enzymes with ox bile extract as a supplement that can aid digestion and support optimized health.
Can Your Multivitamin Do THAT? Patented Supershroom Benefits

Can Your Multivitamin Do THAT? Patented Supershroom Benefits

As much as we’d like to believe that a multivitamin is a multivitamin, that’s simply not true. Not only are there varying qualities of multivitamins on the market, but also varying dosages per ingredient along with the actual full ingredient profile of the multivitamin supplement. That said, a new patented ingredient called Supershroom® is changing the game in terms of health benefits associated with typical multivitamin supplements.
The Easy Way to Reduce Respiratory Issues and Breathe Better

The Easy Way to Reduce Respiratory Issues and Breathe Better

Both NAC and glutathione are heavily concentrated in the liver and the lungs — which is why NAC has been found to provide so many respiratory benefits. As we breathe, we are constantly inhaling various pollens, dust, pollutants, bacteria, and viruses. Think about that for a second. You breathe 24/7. Therefore, your body is constantly fighting off bacteria and other pathogens that can do the body harm.
Kidney Health 101: Effective Ways to Keep These Organs Healthy

Kidney Health 101: Effective Ways to Keep These Organs Healthy

When was the last time you thought about kidney health? Maybe never? You’re not alone. But the fact of the matter is that you cannot and should not dismiss the health of these very important organs. In this article, we are going to look specifically at the kidneys, what makes them incredibly important, and how you can improve kidney health.

7 Benefits of Berberine to Improve Your Health & Physique

7 Benefits of Berberine to Improve Your Health & Physique

Berberine is not something new. In fact, it’s been around for centuries. However, just recently, it’s been getting on people’s radar as more and more information surfaces about this amazing natural alkaloid. How can it help improve your health and physique? That’s precisely what we are going to dive into.
5 Incredible Benefits of Bergamot That Can Improve Health

5 Incredible Benefits of Bergamot That Can Improve Health

When you hear the word “bergamot,” what do you think of? Probably a scent, right? Well, you’re not wrong. Maybe you or a family member utilizes a bergamot oil in your home? But there’s more to bergamot than some oil sitting on the shelf of a beauty and perfume store where many people use it for aromatherapy and its ability to help reduce stress (which is still an amazing benefit). 
7 Benefits of Balancing Healthy Cortisol Levels for Athletes

7 Benefits of Balancing Healthy Cortisol Levels for Athletes

Cortisol isn’t something many people think about but should. Our body tries to manage cortisol 24 hours a day, and it’s constantly changing based on the things going on around us as well as what we are doing. That being said, balancing healthy cortisol levels for athletes should be on the top of your mind if you want to help maintain and improve performance levels and stay one step ahead of your competition.
Being Deficient in Vitamin D Can Get You Sick: Here’s How to Stay Protected!

Being Deficient in Vitamin D Can Get You Sick: Here’s How to Stay Protected!

No one wants to get sick. In fact, most people would do just about anything to prevent the coughs, sniffles, and sneezes. And forget about the dreaded nasal drip where you’re going through a box of tissues or two a day, and your nose resembles Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’s. Sure, you could load up on vitamin C, eat a well-balanced diet, and exercise regularly, but there’s one thing that not many people think about when it comes to boosting their immunity — Vitamin D.
Benefits of Turmeric for Athletes

Benefits of Turmeric for Athletes

When you think of turmeric, what comes to mind? Probably a supplement that aids in improving overall health, reducing inflammation, and has some claims that it can even help prevent certain illnesses and diseases, right? Well, you wouldn’t be wrong. But what if I were to tell you that turmeric has some pretty amazing benefits for athletes as well?
Psyllium Husk 101: Gut Cleansing for You

Psyllium Husk 101: Gut Cleansing for You

Have you been focusing on your gut health? Probably not, right? I fully understand, as it’s not something that many people focus on. But just because it’s not something you can physically see, like your skin health or physique, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put your best foot forward with improving it, and psyllium husk is just one way you can help take control of your gut cleansing.